Saturday, March 31, 2007


shit one more thing! the new timetable is gonna take action next week right? can the person who has the timetable plsplsplspls tell us what lessons there are on tuesday?! if not zheng lao shi might sent us go dc or smth liddat. ( if we never bring textbook.)



for those ppl in HCL class, when is the chinese bookmark thingy due?! dont tell me it's nextweek cos if it is then i'm gonna die. oh yeah, and i think the proposal for Book Day is due next tuesday, 3/4. yeah. anyone done anything yet?

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS btw. haha. rmb the stupid mass dance prank.

TAN not TEY.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Please help me!

Hey 112ers! Look, I'm sorry I made myself a public nuisance to at least half the class today, asking over and over again if you had seen a set of 6 glitter pens with a prissy rabbit on its box. But I really need them back! (Don't misunderstand me - I'm not saying anyone stole them! Please don't get me wrong!) If any of you happened to pick it up today at some point in time, could you please pass it to me asap? (Then again, it may turn out not to be mine, but I'd recognise that prissy rabbit anywhere.) Pleeeeeeeease help me! Or else I'm going to die at the hands of a nine-year-old...


Thursday, March 29, 2007

this post is called... The Revival

I can't spell 'revival'. :D Anyway! We got our history and math back today. I failed math! x) I wasn't sad 'cause I knew I was going to and accepted it long ago anyway. But I'll work harder and all. :) Those who got satisfying results, great job! Those who didn't, great job anyway! And be like me and work harder. :D I am such a role model, I know. -.- Oh well.

Today's also CLAUDIA'S BIRTHDAY. :D Sorry Claudia's birthday is featured here - no favouritism or anything but hey! Since I'm posting, we should also commemorate dear Claudia's birthday. :D Whee. Happy birthday Claudia. Nice rowmate.

Anyway... what else? I can't really remember la. So this is all. :) Our blog is still a bit blah but we have another post now. :D Yay?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Important! (If you don't want to be killed at the end of the week)

Hi again! Ok, I know after Chem today, some people went to CCA/home/any random place straight from the Lab, right? I'm not saying it's your fault, but do take note of these things:

1) Chem files are due this Thursday. In other words, for people who are very last-minute and do not live by the motto "Be Prepared" (e.g. Yours Truly), go on a filing spree! Unless you have a death wish or something. And HCL girls, remember HCL file is also due on Friday!

2) Ok, this is more of a sub-note (a very last-minute one, too), but RS is in the K S Chee theatre tomorrow. So remember to bring your RS files. And the bloke giving us the talk is a Mr J Ong, fyi.

Yeps, that's about it. Don't forget, especially the first point, ok?


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Don't Look Back, But Always Remember Me As The Girl Who Smiled

I'm supposed to be doing my homework. I'm not procrastinating, I'm.. er.. destressing! Yeah! That's it! Destressing.

If I were a month, I would be: December. Think about it. The only month with no school at all. *dreamy sigh*

If I were a day of the week, I would be: Saturday! Cause it used to be my totally free day. Not anymore, but I do fun stuff on Saturdays! Firstly, gym! Which rocks, then I have math tuition! Which rocks, cause my math teacher is so easy to 'bully'. Haha.

If I were a time of day, I would be: Night. I'm a nightbird. I love to sleep late. And pay for it in the morning. (:

If I were a sea animal, I would be: A shark. Not really a pretty animal I guess. (UNLIKE ME, WHO IS PRETTYPRETTY! Hee) But I am dangerous when provoked. Very dangerous. As in physically. I'd just punch you.

If I were a direction, I would be: North. Cause it's nice and upwards on all the maps. (:

If I were one of the seven deadly sins, I would be: Definitely envy. I took a quiz once. It turned out to be envy. I won't deny it. I envy a lot of people.

If I were a historical figure I would be: Erk. Lim Bo Seng's the person I'm closest to. Him? I don't know, you tell me!

If I were a planet, I would be: Mars. No, I'm not a man, even if men are from Mars. I'm just red hot! HA!

If I were a liquid, I would be: Liquid Titanium. Don't ask why.

If I were a stone, I would be: Amethyst. Pretty!

If I were a tree, I would be: Dead. I'd make myself grow in a place unsuitable for tree-growing. Somehow. I don't want to be a tree! Dead boring!

If I were a bird, I would be: A Japanese Crane. Cause I say so!

If I were a flower/plant, I would be: Rose. Thorny.

If I were a kind of weather, I would be: Cloudy. You should know why by now. (: Heehee.

If I were a mythical creature, I would be: Hmm. Mermaid? IDK!

If I were a musical instrument, I would be: Drum. People say I'm noisy.

If I were an animal, I would be: Dog. They're loyal and stuff, but can be rebellious. Like me. You should see what I did to my school notebook.

If I were a colour, I would be: Silver/Gold. My fav colours!

If I were an emotion, I would be: Hyper!

If I were a vegetable, I would be: Broccolli? There's something else I love better, but I don't know what it's called..

If I were a sound, I would be: Strong wind.

If I were an element, I would be: Fire. You should know by now! The fiery passion, the passion of fire. Ring a bell?

If I were a song, I would be: Over My Head by Fray. <333

If I were a movie, I would be: Lovewrecked. Heehee.

If I were a book, I would be written by: Erm. Shao Wei. I hope. ?? Why? I don't know!

If I were a food, I would be: Stickles. My current craze.

If I were a place, I would be: LONDON!

If I were a taste, I would be: Sweet.

If I were a scent, I would be: Scent of flowers. Yay!

If I were a word, I would be: Bliss.

If I were a body part, I would be: Eyes!

If I were a facial expression, I would be: SMILEY. (:

If I were a subject in school, I would be: Math. Loves.

If I were a cartoon character, I would be: Urh. Kim Possible? :P Or maybe Bonnie. Hee!

If I were a shape, I would be: A circle!

If I were a number, I would be: 4. Power of 4. (:

If I were a piece of jewellery, I would be: Bracelet.

If I were a piece of furniture, I would be: Table? What sorta question is that? O.o

If I were a car, I would be: Erh. Cars. Erh, Ferrari?

If I were an item of clothing, I would be: What I wore today! A black velvet long-sleeved top, that hangs from below the top of your shoulder! Pretty!

Hee, gotta go back to homework now. ): Bye!

Friday, March 23, 2007

More about me

Yup, me again. I think it would be too long to type the whole dang quiz in a comment (or five, whatever) so I'm doing it in a post too. Hope you guys don't mind. You don't right? Yeah, great.

If I were a month, I would be: December. Don't you guys just <3 December? For one thing, we get gifties. Nifty gifties. Yay for nifty gifties.

If I were a day of the week, I would be: Friday. Similarly, everyone loves Fridays. Except when we have to fumble around with dang ties. So I never untie mine. So clever.

If I were a time of day, I would be: Recess? No no! The end of school. Ah, freedom is sweet.

If I were a sea animal, I would be: A dolphin. They're sooooooooooooooooo graceful. And they swim better than me. YES I CAN SWIM.

If I were a direction, I would be: East. All Oriental-ish, that's me. I'd prefer Central actually (just nice) but it's not exactly a direction now is it?

If I were one of the seven deadly sins, I would be: ....Eh, I have to check what the seven deadly sins are first. Wait right here...Ok, I think I would be sloth. I've hardly done my hols homework. And it's like, almost T2W2.

If I were a historical figure I would be: I don't want to be a historical figure! They didn't have air-con. Moving on...

If I were a planet, I would be: Neptune. I like its colour. And its name.

If I were a liquid, I would be: Milo. Ha ha. Everyone likes Milo. And I really like the colour of Milo packets. It's my all-time favourite colour. <3

If I were a stone, I would be: Stoning. Like JH. Hm. What should I be? Ooh ooh EMERALD. It looks really pretty. Cool name too. Like Neptune.

If I were a tree, I would be: A palm tree. I get to live by the beach. Yay.

If I were a bird, I would be: A phoenix. Yep, got the idea from Rubs. They look soooooooooooo cool.

If I were a flower/plant, I would be: A water lily. Yes! Back in IJ Toa Payoh (yes, wayyyyyy back, before GEP) I was in the Lily class for all 3 years.

If I were a kind of weather, I would be: Snow. Even though I've never experienced it. Must be really cool (no pun intended).

If I were a mythical creature, I would be: A unicorn. NO NOT A PONY LIKE MY LITTLE PONY.

If I were a musical instrument, I would be: A piano. Pi-a-no. Playing classical music.

If I were an animal, I would be: Hm. Funny how hard such a simple question is. Eee, that's self-contradictory. Ok, simple-LOOKING. Ta-dah. How about just a random lion? Lioness? No, they look bald. Never mind, lion.

If I were a colour, I would be: Easy. Milo-tin green. <3

If I were an emotion, I would be: Happy. We should all try to be happy. Don't get bogged down by random ******* ******** (like ** ***).

If I were a vegetable, I would be: EW I HATE VEGGIES. But ah...I guess a carrot. They taste the least bleh.

If I were a sound, I would be: The sound of the waves hitting the shore. Whoosh.

If I were an element, I would be: Water. It's blue. Ok I'm so random.

If I were a song, I would be: Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. It's really nice, you should listen to it. Or maybe Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae, that's nice too.

If I were a movie, I would be: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, because I have a sweet tooth. Chocolate is <3.

If I were a book, I would be written by: Myself. Nothing gets you all proud-of-self like DIY.

If I were a food, I would be: A Snickers or Mars Bars ice cream. Mmm.

If I were a place, I would be: Somewhere in Japan because it's rocks.

If I were a taste, I would be: Salty. Tastes good, salty stuff. Like potato chips.

If I were a scent, I would be: The smell, I really don't know leh. Ooh Ruffles cheese potato chips. Maybe.

If I were a word, I would be: SPASTICATED. Oh yeah.

If I were a body part, I would be: Someone's lazy leg that's always slacking.

If I were a facial expression, I would be: The omgwtfisgoingon look. Also known as the blur look.

If I were a subject in school, I would be: Literature! <3

If I were a cartoon character, I would be: Baby Pooh! OMG so cute.

If I were a shape, I would be: A diamond. Like a square, but prettier. :P

If I were a number, I would be: 1. I am no.1. I AM THE BEST. Ha ha. And I am so lame.

If I were a piece of jewellery, I would be: A necklace. Pretty, and it can strangle people too. Muahahahahahahahahahaha.

If I were a piece of furniture, I would be: A chair. Ha ha I'm not fat.

If I were a car, I would be: A light blue Porsche 911 Carrera. Like Sally from Cars.

If I were an item of clothing, I would be: A pair of jeans that are just right. Yay for jeans.

Ok, done. FINALLY. I will now go and randomly surf the net. TTFN!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Updaaaaaaate <3

SO. Blog skin first because I know y'all are pissed off at me. Our lovely Blogger has decided to change the template for skinning. That means that the code I worked SO hard on is now useless. Of course I was absolutely stupid and I deleted the code in a flurry of fury which means that I can't use it even though I've found a way to trick Blogger into accepting it. ._. SO, expect me to come up with it soon. Soon. GAH.

Everybody should go to this website. Repeat after me. DOUBLEYOU DOUBLEYOU DOUBLEYOU DAWT DEVIANTART DAWT COM :D There you see lotsa purty purty art. Mhm. I've got meself in an art phase. That means I doodle on anything, including what I was supposed to be annotating. o.- I posted that stupid, useless rant that just wasted 30 seconds of your life to bring you this announcement!

To get to know everybody better, we can post these short quizzy thingies which are fun to fill out and fun to do. Alsooooo, they allow you to know MORE about your pals! Readyyy? Y'all can post the completed quizzy things in comments. Not in the tag board because it'll be messy. D:
This one is called If I were...

If I were a month, I would be: February! The shortest month (like me XD) and it's the sweeeetest because of Valentines' Day. <3

If I were a day of the week, I would be: Wednesday. I've always liked Wednesday, it has a nifty name. XD

If I were a time of day, I would be: Sundown. Such a preeeetty time of day, it's cool and there's normally a breeze too. It's also one of the best slacking times. >:D

If I were a sea animal, I would be: A nudibranch. They're pretty but not many people know about them.

If I were a direction, I would be: West. Nifty song, GO WEST. XD

If I were one of the seven deadly sins, I would be: Lust! Not for any immoral reasons or anything but didja know that lust used to be extravagance but lust was a worse(r) sin so they replaced extravagance with lust. Mhm. *nod*

If I were a historical figure I would be: Uhrrrr... Dead. XD Mulan (if she existed). Her existance is debatable because all the info on her is just one poem. D:

If I were a planet, I would be: Venus. In P5 when we were learning about planets, I was Miss Venus. :3

If I were a liquid, I would be: Raspberry VODKA. Pretty colour. ^^ AND YUMMY. OHMYGOD. VODKA FTFW!

If I were a stone, I would be: Oh-so-obviously RUBY! :D

If I were a tree, I would be: A frangipani tree, they're pretty. :D

If I were a bird, I would be: A peacock, back to my Indian roots! :)

If I were a flower/plant, I would be: A morning glory, even though I'm not a morning person. >:U

If I were a kind of weather, I would be: Cool evening breeze. ^^

If I were a mythical creature, I would be: A phoenix! HA I CAN FLY. >:D

If I were a musical instrument, I would be: Electric guitar! The Edge FTW!

If I were an animal, I would be: A Siberian tigress? Or a snow leopard? HMM. THEYRE ALL PRETTY! DDDD:

If I were a colour, I would be: Reddish purple. ^^

If I were an emotion, I would be: Love. I'm lovely, I promise. ;D

If I were a vegetable, I would be: Ack. Hard choice. Asparagus is pretty and yummy. :D

If I were a sound, I would be: One of Christina Aguilera's scream-sing things because DAMN she can sing. :D

If I were an element, I would be: Fire. ^^

If I were a song, I would be: Fidelity by Regina Spektor. Light-hearted with a nice romantic theme. =3

If I were a movie, I would be: The Italian Job. One of the best movies EVERRRR.

If I were a book, I would be written by: JK Rowling. ONLY THE BEST :D

If I were a food, I would be: Something terribly unhealthy smothered in chocolate. >:D

If I were a place, I would be: Somewhere with prettttttty trees and caked in snow. ^^

If I were a taste, I would be: Spicy. >:D

If I were a scent, I would be: Erm... THE SMELL OF HARIBO. HA.

If I were a word, I would be: "quintessential". It's long, it's fancy and it means representing the most perfect of a quality or class. Not the academic class of course. ^^"

If I were a body part, I would be: Hair. Long, flowy and smooth! XD

If I were a facial expression, I would be: The mrrrrow look. XD

If I were a subject in school, I would be: DANCE! :D

If I were a cartoon character, I would be: NARA SHIKAMARUUUUU, <3 Go Google him. :D

If I were a shape, I would be: A swirl. PRETTY PRETTY SWIRLS.

If I were a number, I would be: 8. It's nice and symmetrical. :D

If I were a piece of jewellery, I would be: Dangling earrings because they dangle and shine. :D

If I were a piece of furniture, I would be: A bed. XD I like to sleep in. >:D

If I were a car, I would be: A black Ferrari Maranello. DAMN THEY'RE PRETTY. :D

If I were an item of clothing, I would be: A solid colour (grey?) hippy shirt with long flowy sleeves.

Whooo, end! :D That took me a long time to type. XD Hope y'all have fun with it! GO DO IT NOW KTHNX :D

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ABOUT 210307

okay, here's the things you need tomorrow :

1) CREPE PAPER. this is for our class decor competition, which is TOMORROW.

2) COCKTAIL UMBRELLAS. you know, those mini ones people stick in cocktails? uh huh. also for class decor.

3) PASSPORT-SIZED PHOTO. of yourself. at least your face must be visible. a RECENT photo. also for class decor.

4) MATH ASSIGNMENT 1. this is for those people who didn't hand up today. jeesh you're already late. don't make it another day late!

5) PUZZLE PIECES. i know some of you have forgotten about this. the winniethepooh puzzle our PSLs gave us? yes, that one, please bring if you haven't. we've been asking for this since... week 2?? uh huh.

and of course, all the things that you're supposed to bring for history. read below. and, tomorrow's ALEXYS'S birthday. (: that was random. kay nevermind. remember all these please! thankyouverymuch.

200307 21:02 tanyingxin crashed.

Monday, March 19, 2007

History ACM visit (helping Zhuo Rong)

Hello 112 people again!!! I'm helping Zhuo Rong to post this time. She asked me to. So this is the details of the ACM visit.

Ours is on wednesday. We have to assemble at the foyer at 12.20 and we will reach school at 4. The assembly time at museum car park to go back to school is 3.30. Please take note.

3. Lunch is not provided

§ All students are reminded to have lunch before the visit.

§ Food is not allowed in the museum.

§ However, students may take light snacks on the bus.
4. Dismissal time

§ All classes may board the buses to return to school according to the
scheduled time given (refer to schedule in 1).

§ Classes will be dismissed once the buses reach school from the

5. What to wear and bring for the visit

§ Depending on the activity in the morning, students are allowed to either wear their full school uniform, or culottes with school P.E shirt.

§ They should bring the following for the visit:

- clipboard (per group of 5-6 students)
- stationery (pen, pencil, paper, eraser etc.)
- a positive and open mind

§ Students are advised not to carry a big bag to the museum.

6. During the visit

§ Students are not to wander alone at the museum.

§ Please stay in your groups of five or six at all times to ensure your safety.

§ For the “Mystery Men Exhibition”, students will be taken on a guided tour by the Upper Sec student guides.

§ Students will then, in their groups of five/six, view the exhibits in the Southeast Asia and South Asia galleries on their own.

§ Students may work in these groups of five/six. However, each student will still have to complete their own individual worksheet during the visit.

§ The worksheet will be given during attendance talking prior to boarding.

§ Refer to Section 7 below regarding Museum Etiquette.

7. Students, please take note of the pointers below regarding behaviour at
the museum.

Museum Etiquette

§ Be considerate to other Museum visitors by keeping your voices low.

§ Give your full attention to the museum guide, if they have one, as it is
only polite.

§ Do Not touch the artefacts, paintings or art works as the natural oil
from the fingers will stain, contaminate and eventually destroy the

§ Use pencils rather than pens so that any marks made accidentally on
walls or panels can be erased easily.

§ Do Not use the showcases or walls as writing surfaces as they will
become stained with pencil marks. Glass showcases may not take the
weight and collapse.

§ For the safety of the displays and other visitors, do not run or stomp
around the museum.

§ Do Not eat or drink inside the museum as spillage may damage the

§ Take photographs WITHOUT FLASH as constant camera flashes will
damage photo-sensitive artefacts. Photography/filming is not
permitted at ACM Armenian Street.

So this is a very long post. Please read it carefully and take note of all these information. Thanks.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Timely Reminder (for HCL pupils)

Hello 112 people!!! Your naggy HCL rep here. I would like to remind you girls to BRING YOUR HCL PARENTS WORKSHOP FORM TOMORROW!!! I beg of you people...don't get too caught up with the holidays that you all forget the form... Only half of the HCl pupils have been good girls and submitted their form to me. As you know tomorrow is like the DEAD DEAD LINE...I don't want to die...I'm pretty sure you all don't want me to either right?

ON MY BLACKLIST: Ting Fang, Grace, Hilary, Joan, Selene, Zhuo Rong, Rachel Tan, Joelle, Tan Ying Xin, Vanessa Tey, Lidan

Btw, I'm looking forward to the el learning journey of errors! Don't you people think it's fun...unlike joelle(no offence) I hate MAD, who would be interested in a pure math game like the Tower of Hanoi??? Only mathematicians would find it fun...I'm digressing from the main aim of this post...

I'm ending the second post in my life soon...please please REMEMBER YOUR HCL Form!!! I'll be super grateful towards you all...

Your lovely naggy old granny,
Samantha =)

P.S. Any comments please tag...

Friday, March 16, 2007

All good things must come to an end

Including holidays. If you guys like holidays. Who doesn't like holidays?

. . .

Ok, I'll rephrase that. Who doesn't like homework-free holidays? One, two, three...thirty-three and counting. Yep, homework-free holidays simply rock our world. But like I said in the title, all good things must come to an end. In fact, everything will come to end, good or bad. Like the CPR course. Now tell me, who still remembers what to do if someone fractures her arm?

Enough of the crap. All things will come to an end, but you remember what's just beginning? Learning Journey Week! Yes, all 112ers are clever girls. A whole week of out-of-class lessons (unless you count conversational CL/ML, and MAD, which has a really suitable name), which also means one more week to do any holiday homework you conveniently didn't do. (Which, in my case, is practically everything.) Aren't you all happy? Because I am. And you should be happy that I'm happy. Because you all would be sadists to be happy if I'm not happy. And you would be kind of sad that you were sadists, so you would not be happy like me.

I'm confusing you now. Like I'm confusing myself.

So which activity are you looking forward to most? I have this gut feeling that most of you are looking forward to the Journey of Errors. For me though, it's actually either the NEWater plant or the ACM...*ducks under rotten tomatoes* Forgive me for this, but traipsing around looking for random Singlish signs isn't my idea of fun fun FUN.

I think I've just about said my too-random piece. Say your own piece in response to this via the tagboard *pokes right* or the comments space for this post *pokes below*. And if you are such a technological dinosaur that you can't use either of them (with no offense meant, sorry), then um... I dunno. Write a pen-and-paper note for the class board?


Monday, March 12, 2007

Swim Carn

I can't believe no one congratulated Tarbet here. Or maybe I missed it. But yeah, so YAY WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so I'm not going to bore you out like some other people claimed to have done, so yes happy holidays!


PS I forgot the password to my own blogger account, so until I can break in, I'm using the admin one.^ ^

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Hello to the rest of 112! This is Samantha, posting for the first time. Take note that I am 'Samantha', not 'Sammy' or 'Sam' or anything else. Okay? I'll just take it as a yes then.

Honestly, I'm so bored during the March holidays, even though there's lots of free time, to sleep, to play etc. I'm very lazy. I miss school actually, BUT NOT HOMEWORK. There's too much of them. I feel so stressed out. Just in case, I want to elaborate that there aren't holidays in RGS. For your benefit, we have chemistry equations worksheet, math game, poem annotation and write-up thingy, history facts and opinions worksheet, geography ws 3 and FA2 and With Great Pleasure and the extra booklist thing, if you are the hard-working type and ever want to start on them. Not me though.

That's all for my first post. I think that I have bored you enough. Just for fun and to compliment my 'very-nice-title', I would like to wish all of you Happy March Holidays! Haha. Never mind. I know I'm being lame. But who cares...

I know that this is a boring post. For your information, this is my very first post in the thirteen years in my life. I have never blogged before. I took quite sometime to figure out how to do so. That's why my first post is only after some time the blog was up. Don't you ever laugh at me. No silent giggles too. Okay, that's all, a very final BYE!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

So finally, i can post from my own account. haha. I kind of granted myself permission. i mean, i Am admin after all, rite? hee hee. hope nobody actually minds. so uh... i think everyone will get kinda lost of what to say after awhile, so i'll just keep thus short and sweet.
HaPpY HOliDays 112!!!
yayyay!This is joan by the way. teehee

Friday, March 9, 2007


Heelllo! It's Lianne here. You better know who I am. Because I've finally learned all your names. So you must learn mine! I had to learn a bit less than 32 okay, you all only had to learn ONE name! *mutter* Anyways, that's not what I have to say! (I know, sad right, cause you want to listen to my beautiful melodic voice ramble on longer. I know all of you love me. (: )
Stuff to address:
1. Delay in birthday certs.
2. Blogskin
3. Rebecca wasting one sms space in my handphone inbox
4. Netspeak
5. Learning Journey Week
6. Forgetting to pass on the relay message.
7. ME!

Okay, so here goes, don't fall asleep okay!
1. On the behalf of the dearest 112 Welfare Committee, I sincerely apologise for the delay in the giving out of the birth certs. The projects and exams are being loaded on us, and we have lives to live too! We are really sorry, they will be given out soon.
2. We need a blogskin, Ruby, I'm sure some people don't check this blog, so maybe we should make an announcement and ask who is in favour of the blogskin you created. Or just put it on and if people don't like it then. In Ruby's words: TOO BAD GO MAKE A NEW ONE YOURSELF In my words: Tell Ruby. Yay! That was exaggerated anyways, Ruby is nicer than that yeah? Like Lidan said "This is a nice blog but an ugly blog" or something along those lines.
3. Rebecccca! I won! Hahahahahahaha, you losE! Don't waste my inbox space with you LAME cheers. They're nothing compared to mine! HA! SO THERE!
4. My goodness, paikia, you finally admitted! HA! HA! HAHA! Okay, try not to use netspeak okay, because it drives our dearest chair and me crazy! And you don't want us crazy. Cause you love us too much.
5. Now, Learning Journey Week. Monday is the day we will go for the Journey of Errors thing, so don't forget! Cause we won't be seeing one another on Sunday. Leaders, I would suggest that you call your group members on Sunday, TO MAKE SURE THEY BRING THEIR STUFF. It's up to you if you don't want to though. (: My group, I'm really sorry, I printed out Vanessa TAN'S contact details instead of Vanessa TEY'S. Could you please change it? Thanks! <3
6. I'm sorry about not passing on the relay message. As Shao Wei so finely put it, "I forgot to read the fine print". Yes. To those who didn't receive it, it's about the class decor. Our theme is resort, so bring stuff you can use to decorate, like shells or stuff.
7. And my description is so boring! :'( I'm Lianne. ART GYM. Lol, that doesn't matter, I was just being picky.

With that all said, ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS 112!
Yours truly,
P. Detty

Thursday, March 8, 2007

yup i'm 150cm, help me grow too! for tall people like sammy and lidan, they can pause their growing for awhile so that the rest of the class can catch up(:
so girls, how was the history test? nope, not gonna get ya'll to do a reflection, but feel free to share your thoughts about it!
as the class treasurer, i would like to remind ya'll to:
1)bring money to pay up for any form of food you ordered
2) exact change please, thanks:]

we have to buy the following items:
1) white labels for aesthetics
2) padlock to keep the cash in "lock it, lock it!"
3) MagiClean! :D

oh and i would like to thank everyone (esp. the girls on duty and shaowei) for keeping the class so clean! did you realise that practically every eng/lit lesson, mrs loh would praise us for our classroom cleanliness? :D well done!

swimcarn tmr! remember to wear your house tee + cullotes and bring your ezlink and house card! after that it'll be march hols so girls, remember to have fun and complete your work! there must be an equilibrum, y'know(:

love much, ting.

Some Boring Information

Hello all, your dedicated math rep, Lidan, speaking here.

Oh just in case some of you weren't listening during math class, assignment 1 is due Tuesday, 20 March, in the morning.

And and and
to be able to get int the Math advance class (for those interested), criteria is Bronze in SMO, Distinction in Australian Math Competition, consistent SA results and good class participation. Yay. But I bet no one's interested.

Anyway, that whatever website for I don't know what talk is

Lol hope I remembered it correctly.

That's all for now, hve a great March Holiday ahead!

End of Term! (sort of)

Hello again! Yeah, from the title you can tell what I'm going to say, actually. Because I probably will be on long term absence from here for what, the whole holidays? I don't know really. But anyway. So I'm just wishing you guys happy holidays in advance ok? Yay! Let's all be happy(ish). Although to tell the truth, for most of us the hols aren't really hols now are they? Oh well. Life's like that.

Right. Well. So how did you find the History SA? I freaked out over the essay and ended up regurgitating stuff from the essay we did in class. Should have committed the model essay to memory. And I think I failed the sources part of the paper. Go me! *waves flag*

Oh, and bring a pillow tomorrow ok? Because I'm doing my Mathetainment and it's really boring. So you should use the time to catch up with your beauty sleep. See, I'm sooooooooooo thoughtful.

Yep, I think that's about it so...yeah. I really don't know how to end so I will just sign off. Byeee!


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Heyy!!! Joan here! finally found time to post stuff. yes. I must note that my nickname has been spelt wrongly. Its Joanny/Joannie/Joni not JOANEY. It is sooooo wrong. Yeah. no offense. can u change it? heehee.
Yay.So good luck for your history SA tomorrow. If u haven't studied, I suggest u do some cramming. I don't think I want to fail.
Don't take me as a geek. but my mum insisted I do some revision. I guess it will help. Anyone care to help me revise?
Okay. gtg back to my books now. byee!
this is joan.:))

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Yaysocool Another Post!

Hello 112! :D I'm Shaowei. In case you're wondering who that is, I sit in front, next to Ting Fang, I have blue glasses and a black leather-strap Fossil watch, I have my hair in a ponytail, and I'm also your class chair. If you didn't know, you should take note. :D

I should be doing my History FA now but I decided to post. Because I just joined the contributors thingy and cannot figure out what century Randy was born in. x) Anyway. I thought as a class, we could share things with each other and help each other grow and stuff. (I'm 151.5 cm, I wanna be 167, help me! But not just in terms of height la.) :D So I am going to share with you my list of resolutions. And then you can comment! And remind me! Because I'm getting older and have bad memory. Bleh. And if you're thinking, "What's wrong with her? I don't wanna know this!" then don't read. I'm sure some of you are bound to feel like this so it's okay just don't read. >.<

1) Replace "... huh?" with the more classy, "I beg your pardon?" ^^
2) Stop screaming. Hurriedly-stifled gasps would do.
3) Stop grabbing people upon receiving shocks. Especially stop grabbing Ting Fang because a) it makes her scream and b) Low Ying Xin got mad at me. >.<
4) Pay attention during Math.

I can't think of any more at the moment but really I had a whole list. :D

Okay yes. Let's have a discussion topic! Just for kicks. (;

Is being frank/blunt a bad thing?

Comment and post and stuff. Then we can debate friendlily please. Oh and friendlily is a word! I think. Well neverMIND! We're from 112 which means we're smart which means everyone gets the gist right? :D I stress friendliness now. :)

Sorry this was not a very business-oriented topic but I thought WHY NOT? ^^ So if you get stressed out over this post (which you shouldn't. do relax a bit :D) just umm relax and I'm sorry! :D

Skin. Agaaaaiiin.

AHA. I have a picture. Didn't think I'd have one ready? Well TOO BAD. >:K *bleh I'm hyper*

Tadaa. Go click on it/copy and paste into your browser and marvel at the beautifulness. Okay, maybe not. I do have permission from the photographer to use it. So there. Uhm. Comments are lovely. I can still edit it. I'll be working on the coding and crap soon. Promise. So. COMMENT KTHNX. ;D

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Speech and Drama

Hey peeps!

Erm, sorry for disrupting our wonderful blog again. Just to tell you guys something. 5 seconds after I yelled my head off after school today, the Honourable Ruby pointed out that I may as well post my message here. Besides, I doubt even 2 people were listening, let alone 16. So I shall tell you what I wanted to say.

Speech and Drama journals and masks are due tomorrow ok! Don't forget! Or else Ms Sergeant may come chasing me with a chopper. And I don't like choppers. (And also, don't be mean - don't "forget" to do it just so that you can watch Ms Sergeant chasing me with a chopper.) Yep. So do your work ok? Love you guys!


Saturday, March 3, 2007

Daily Stuff

Hello people! Ok, seems like the blog is still in its "introduction" stage, where all the first stuff is being posted. (As in, stuff about blogskins, saying hi, etc.) So what happens when all that is settled?

Nobody will know what to say.

So how? We need to start talking about regular stuff too. Rants, queries, stuff like that. And to start the ball rolling, I'll pose this to everyone: When is the History SA? Because from the looks of it, nobody knows for sure. This is what happens when we don't get an official exam timetable. But anyway, the two options as of yet are a) tomorrow (which happens to be the day of our HCL and CL zuo wen, and maybe HML and Hindi as well) and b) Thursday. Of course, other possibilities may pop up too, like c) next year. That's not the point, though. The point is, does anybody know for sure? I know the chances aren't very high, but maybe a person who knows may just happen to come by. If so, drop us a comment ok? *pokes below* Thanks for your attention. (At this point, I'm assuming that you read this.)

Lots of love,

Friday, March 2, 2007


This be Ruby. Ruby be ph34r. That aside, welcome one and all to our blog! ;o Uhm ... I'm here on official business, I swear. Yes, very official business. WE NEED A SKIN KTHNX. Which means that I have to make one. XD But I can't make one without a theme, now can I? o.O SOOOOO, I need y'all to submit your suggestions by pestering me in class or commenting on this post. All of you are smart little girls, you'll figure out how to comment. ^^ It would be superrrrrbly lovely if you could include picture URLs as well so that I have something to work with. Yup yup. So ... FIRE AWAY! :D

-- Rubs


people! where is everybody; why is this so dead. RAHH can we have a nice blogskin as soon as possible? i am quite jealous of the other class's ones. sighs. okay i shall end off this very very short post. i shall get a tagboard up as soon as possible yeah?

yingxint (: