Monday, July 30, 2007

Charles Kettering - "My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there."


charles kettering must have been a very cute guy. i meant cute, like, cute, not cute. x)



but have no fear, shaoooo is here! :D

YOU GUYS, GREAT JOB X100095858073485710843517674801 FOR RHD STUFF - specifically, PATCHWORK and ETHNIC COSTUMES!

thanks to the DRIVING FORCES - we know who they are! the ones with the voices that can go REALLY LOUD and sometimes ANGRY or EXASPERATED but always filled with CONCERN, the ones who STRESSED and SWEATED (eww) to push us to achieve! but it's not just those wonderful entities who helped our class win the awardythings, it's also THE WHOLE CLASS. because we WON AS A CLASS, YO. :D there were many many people who put in A LOT of effort (and some who put in, well, QUITE a lot of effort) and admit it, even if you were kinda halfhearted about the whole thing, wasn't it pretty cool to WIN? it's called, what, FRUITS OF YOUR LABOUR! :D

remember dragging around shreds of squarish cloths and frantically splashing some sort of design on it? remember putting your heads together around a half-done patchwork thing and going "hey! that can represent... dunnowhat, racial harmony! :D" remember rushing up to rubes and going "YO YO YO i need a costume!" or struggling into a costume and thinking "i look stupid, i hope this is worth it!"

okay even if you didn't do all that, i hope that you gained at least a modicum of enjoyment from all of this, because that was basically the aim. (getting potato chips and oreos wasn't too bad either, right!) and of course, along the way, we have learned stuff, too! such as, "shoot. ruby and i are not the same size." and lots of other things... but i can't think of them right now - although i sure we did, so we did! and wasn't it funny like looking at nessy in her spanishy spanish costume :D

if you didn't have fun, my utmost condolences - and next time we have to do something like this again, try to SMILE AND ENJOY because who knows we might EVEN WIN FOOD TOO! :) i'm hungry. i hope everyone has had their dinner because dinner is an important part of the day.


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