Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Final Submission of Drama Journals

It's tomorrow. Please don't forget.

And once and for all, the journal topics from Term 2:

1) General vs. Specific. This is in reference to settings. You know, general ones are like, "restaurant", and then you could make it specific, like "fancy French restaurant" or "MacDonalds".

2) Action vs. Activity. There is only one activity for the whole scene, but there can be many random actions. Like, the activity of the scene could be you want to tell your parents you're going overseas for studies, but the action could be that you're cutting vegetables in the kitchen while waiting for the right moment.

3) What you need to know about a character before you portray it in a play.

4) Who are the speakers of the pieces? Fyi, the pieces are "One", "Children Imagining a Hospital" and the extract from "The Little Prince".

I know I copied a whole lot from my post from a month ago, but heck, who's going to read this on time anyway.


P.S. Do I sound very moody? Because I'm not, I swear.

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